Your holiday party has just started. Everything is going smoothly. The couples are mingling with other couples. The singletons are swapping online dating stories. Your Pinterest-inspired appetizers seem like a hit (though they were NOT as simple as those photos made it seem to be). One of your best friends walks in and makes the announcement: “I’m pregnant!”

Your first thought should be, “Congrats!” But your mind is racing since you totally blanked on a non-alcoholic option for this party.

Have no fear. For those “what do I do?!” moments, whip up this simple Sparkling Sangria recipe. It features our 100% apple juices and some sparkling apple-grape juice to win the holiday party crowd over.


  1. Pour the bottle of Martinelli’s Apple Juice into a large pitcher.
  2. Slowly add the Martinelli’s Sparkling Apple-Grape Juice into the pitcher.
  3. Add sliced fruit.
  4. Stir and serve

Holiday party saved. You’re welcome.