Martinelli’s Blog

Blog: Company

Inspired stories, DIY craft ideas, kid-friendly activities, and creative ways to enjoy Martinelli’s. From Watsonville, CA.

  • Martinelli’s & Halloween: A Bewitching Beverage

    Fall is in full swing and Halloween is near. These days, folks can celebrate with Martinelli’s apple juice and sparkling cider all year round, but in the past it was a more seasonal celebratory beverage.

    Martinelli’s & Halloween: A Bewitching Beverage Martinelli’s & Halloween: A Bewitching Beverage
  • Harvest Season is in Full Swing Harvest Season is in Full Swing

    Harvest Season is in Full Swing

    Picking season has arrived with tree-ripened apples harvested by local and U.S. growers. Celebrate fall with Martinelli’s!

  • Restoring Our History: Martinelli’s Apple Delivery Trucks Restoring Our History: Martinelli’s Apple Delivery Trucks

    Restoring Our History: Martinelli’s Apple Delivery Trucks

    In anticipation of our 150th anniversary, we restored an original 1930's Martinelli's delivery truck that was up and running during the Great Depression.

  • 150 Years of Martinelli’s Labels 150 Years of Martinelli’s Labels

    150 Years of Martinelli’s Labels

    For 150 years, Martinelli’s has created bottle labels that represent the company and its traditions. Visit our blog to see how they have changed over the years.

  • Sustainable Growing: Owls Protect Our Orchards And We Protect Them

    We teamed up with Future Farmers of America (FFA) to install owl boxes at our California orchard as a key part of sustainable farming.

    Sustainable Growing: Owls Protect Our Orchards And We Protect Them Sustainable Growing: Owls Protect Our Orchards And We Protect Them
  • Introducing the New Introducing the New

    Introducing the New

    Our redesigned website features Martinelli’s history, products, leadership, blog, and our Gold Medal process.

  • Meet John Zivanovich: One of Our Local Apple Growers Meet John Zivanovich: One of Our Local Apple Growers

    Meet John Zivanovich: One of Our Local Apple Growers

    John Zivanovich, owner of Zivanovich Farms, talks passionately about growing apples in Watsonville, CA for Martinelli’s for over half a century.

  • Food & Drink Magazine, Summer 2013 Food & Drink Magazine, Summer 2013

    Food & Drink Magazine, Summer 2013

    Food & Drink Magazine features Martinelli’s on its cover for celebrating 145 years of business.